Ski Vermont: Mount Snow & Stowe Mountain
I knew that Vermont was a ski state, but I had never ventured to any of the mountains. Two mountains I checked out were: Mount Snow & Stowe Mountain.
I am not much of a skier, to be honest. But I also haven’t skied since I was like 13 at Purgatory in Durango, Colorado. I probably should try again, but I’m too scared. I just remember the boots hurting my legs SO bad. Is that how it’s supposed to be? Surely not. Someone let me know!
I loved seeing the fall foliage on top of Mount Snow. I took the ski lift to the top, and it was so worth it!

Stowe proved to be quite busy. I did the drive up Smuggler’s Notch, and you can read more about that in this post. I didn’t take the Gondola on this trip, since I had ridden one at Mount Snow. I would love to visit during the winter though. I imagine the views are just as incredible.

If you’re wanting to get in some skiing, I know you’d have a blast at both Mount Snow or Stowe Mountain.