GLAMOUR Spotlight: Kendra

Hi Everybody! I’m Kendra and I blog over at Adventures of Brad & Kendra. I have enjoyed my time on Rebekah’s sidebar and I hope you have enjoyed reading a bit about me over the past few weeks. Today I wanted to share with you the story behind my blog and Etsy shop.

Brad and I got married back in 2006, on our first anniversary I made a photobook documenting our adventures from the previous year and named it “Adventures of Brad and Kendra Volume 1”.  Each year since then I have made a new volume of the book. A couple years ago; Brad and I purchased a domain with the intention of creating a family website; and for a year and a half it sat empty. When I decided to start a blog I figured that these names would fit well considering the blog was going to be about us and our adventures.

My posts range from random family happenings, to DIY/craft projects and recipes. I find that my blog doesn’t fit into any specific niche; just like I don’t fit into many stereotypes that attempt to describe me. Here are some of my favorite posts: Craft Room Reveal, Vanilla Extract, Personalized Chair, Bathroom Stencil.

I decided to start an Etsy shop after perusing Pinterest for a year and discovering that I could make many of the things I liked. I spent a couple days coming up with names, I liked the idea of using my last name and one day while driving home it came to me – Simply {Darr}ling! I use the {} so people know the misspelling is intentional :) Back in June, I tore my achilles and spent the entire summer sitting on the couch unable to walk (you can see my mode of transportation here). One thing I was able to do while on the couch was make fold over elastic hair ties, so I bought some elastic and made A LOT of hair ties and listed them on Etsy! Since then I have added items like Scrabble necklaces, wine cork keychains, makeup remover pads, coffee cozies, chevron table runners, chevron infinity scarves and coming soon are baby burp cloths.

I have many dreams for my blog and shop. First, I dream to connect with my readers and have content that has them coming back everyday to see what the blog has in store that day! For my shop, I hope that people smile whenever they see the items from my shop.  Also, Brad and I want to have kids in the near future and I would love to be able to use this as additional income to help pay for them.

Now that you know a bit more about me, I’d love to know some more of you! Come over to the blog, say hi and introduce yourself! I can also be found on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest!

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I LOVE getting to know all my bloggy friends better! Thank you SO much Kendra for being my first GLAMOUR Spotlight sponsor! I have enjoyed seeing all of your fun posts & items in your shop.

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6 thoughts on “GLAMOUR Spotlight: Kendra

  1. hey there! i just saw that we are going to be co-hosting the aloha friday blog hop together so i wanted to come by and say hi.
    i love your first glamour spotlight girl, with a name like kendra she MUST be awesome! :)
    have a great day rebekah!

  2. Hey… Just popping over and following from Aloha Friday. If you get a chance I would love for you to stop by my blog and follow if you like.


  3. Hello, visiting from the Aloha hop. Awesome blog. I’m a new follower and hope you will visit my blog and hopefully follow back.

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