Phantom Floral Black Wallpaper

The lovely Ricci has been on vacation ALL last week, so we are skipping Two Way Tuesdays this week! BUT if you have ideas, still let us know!


It’s Tuesday the week before school starts. My mind is running in a million different circles! BUT I have been wanting to tell y’all a story about this black floral wallpaper my grandma used to have!

The reason it’s on my mind is because I have been LOVING all the floral prints around these days! Floral bags, floral sheets, floral leggings! LOVE IT ALL.

Anyways, the wallpaper looked something like this:


Ignore those butterflies ;) HOW CUTE is it?! I really wish I could find the actual wallpaper, because they took it down around 5 years ago. It had light pink in it to match their pink carpet throughout the house! At time I was like EW I don’t like this, but I really miss this wallpaper y’all!

So when you guys are out on the internet and looking around, if you see some black wallpaper let me know! I REALLY WANT THAT STUFF!

4 thoughts on “Phantom Floral Black Wallpaper

  1. LOVE the black floral… i am so obsessed with anything lacy, floral and girly lately!

  2. They have it at Home Depot on-line now if your still looking for it!

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