Jet Lag & a Giveaway!

Ok just kidding, my flight was only 45 minutes! ;) But there really is a giveaway in this post!

LOVES! I’m back from Dallas from the BEST weekend of my life! I had such a great time meeting all of my favorite bloggers & getting to see the SITS Girls again! And I’m going to take their advice & wait until Tuesday to post anything about BBC, because my poor little brain needs a little time to still process all the amazing things I learned.

Don’t forget to add me on Google+!!!

So what better way than to start this week than with a giveaway for $175 PayPal cash?! That’s right, I have teamed up with the lovely bloggers below to give you a chance to win a major shopping spree with $175 in your pocket!


Do you want to win? Of course you do, so enter the Rafflecopter below & GOOD LUCK!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

37 thoughts on “Jet Lag & a Giveaway!

  1. Hi!
    Is this open to international followers?
    Thank you!

  2. I guess I do not spend much time on anything other than reading blog every now and again.

  3. Pinterest by far. I have been using it to plan photo-shoots so I spend a ridiculous amount of time on there now!

  4. I am either on instagram or bloglovin all the time :)

  5. I definitely use Twitter and Instagram the most.. uh oh!


  6. I totally alternate – I’ll be all about Twitter for a week or two, then I’ll ignore that and be super into Facebook.

  7. I am hooked on Instagram! Insta ALL THE THINGS!! :)

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